Headteacher's Welcome
Dear Parents, Carers and Visitors to our school,
A very warm welcome to SS John and Monica Catholic Primary School.
My name is Melanie Elliott and I am privileged to be the Head Teacher of this successful, vibrant and inclusive school. As a parent of two children, I recognise the importance of selecting a school which has high expectations and which nurtures the ‘whole-child’, encouraging them to grow spiritually, academically, and socially. At Ss John and Monica's we all strive to live out our mission statement, to learn through the example of Jesus, to love, respect, understand and value each other. Our core purpose is to ensure that all children in our school have the opportunity and support to achieve their full potential. We recognise that it takes a community to raise a child and we are proud of the strong partnership we have with our parents/carers. Together we can work to guide our children throughout their educational journey, helping them to be successful life-long learners and positive role models, who can contribute to society in the future.
We look forward to welcoming you to our unique, inclusive, caring and friendly school.
Mrs. M. Elliott (B.Ed. Hons, NPQH)