School Uniform         













 Winter Uniform- Oct Half-term to Easter                        Summer Uniform - Easter to Oct Half-term


The school has adopted a uniform policy which has been ratified by the governing body. Our distinctive school uniform helps to create a feeling of belonging - children can take pride in being a part of SS. John and Monica's family when they wear it. It also has a practical side, in that, uniform clothes are made to last leaving the children's better clothes for home use. Branded uniform does NOT need to be worn.  As a sustainable school, we encourage uniform to be recycled.

School uniform requirements:

  • Grey skirt, pinafore or trousers
  • Green sweater or cardigan
  • White shirt, blouse and school tie
  • Yellow polo top
  • School sweatshirts
  • Green gingham dress for summer
  • Sensible black shoes



  • White or Black Shorts
  • White or Yellow Tee-shirt
  • White or Black pumps
  • Outdoor Trainers (optional for outdoors)
  • Black Tracksuit Bottoms (optional for outdoors)
  • Black hoodie, preferably with school logo (optional for outdoors)
  • Tee-shirts, preferably with school logo



•    Trunks/Costume
•    Towel
Pupils may wear their P.E Kit to school on P.E days
PE Kit should be kept in school every day and taken home to be washed each half term/holiday


Forest School Kit List
•    Trousers
•    Long sleeved top
•    Waterproof jacket
•    Wellington Boots

All Forest School Kit must be old, as it may get dirty.
Children who are having a Forest school in the morning may wear their ‘Forest School’ clothes to school. Children who are having a Forest School lesson in the afternoon should bring their Forest School clothes in a named plastic bag.

All uniform, PE Kit and Forest School Kit should be labelled to enable us to return lost property to you.


Other important Information

For reasons of safety, no jewellery is allowed in school except for one ‘stud’ earring in either or one ear. 
We encourage parents to recycle uniform and regularly hold school uniform sales, as part of commitment to sustainable living.

Hair Styles
As part of our wider uniform policy at SS John & Monica's, extreme haircuts e.g shaved patterns, extreme colours are not permitted. The final judgement on what is classed as an extreme hairstyle rests with the headteacher.


The above may be worn in green, grey, white or black only. For health and safety reasons, they must be tucked neatly into cardigan or jumper necklines and not be left hanging down.

Uniform Policy

Updated: 01/03/2023 189 KB