The Governors and staff at SS. John and Monica’s Primary school recognise the importance of Early Years Education as the Foundation upon which children build the rest of their lives.
Early Years Education is concerned with the physical, social, and emotional, aesthetic and cognitive development of the individual, with no one area standing in isolation from the others. The Foundation Stage is like a jigsaw; each piece is equally important to complete the picture.

The Foundation Stage Curriculum is divided into two parts;

  1. Prime areas of development
  2. Specific areas of development

The Prime Areas include:

  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Education

The Specific Areas include:

  • Literacy
  • Maths
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

At SS John and Monica’s Primary school it is our primary aim to ensure that children in the Foundation Stage Reception class feel happy, safe and secure.
We have high expectations for all our children. We meet, discuss and plan to ensure that all children reach their full potential and make progress.
We aim to provide an interesting and creative environment through practical activities, enquiry and purposeful play.
We aim to provide a learning environment where the children are given the time to listen, talk and reflect.
At SS John and Monica’s school we provide a rich learning environment beyond the classroom, with the Reception class children attending our Forest School and having access to our outdoor classroom.
We aim where ever possible to use our outdoor learning area to provide the children with rich and varied learning opportunities planned to reinforce and extend the learning in the classroom.
We aim to foster and establish good home school links and support parents and children with their transition from several local nurseries. Daily dialogue, parent consultations and Inspire Workshops are just some of the ways we maintain these home school links. 
At SS John and Monica’s Primary school it is the responsibility of the Reception Class teacher and the teaching assistants in conjunction with the Head Teacher and Early Years Senior leader to provide a curriculum that takes into account the ability of every child and has an impact on their learning and development.

During the initial weeks in school all children will complete the Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA). These assessment activities, along with informal observations, allow staff to make informed judgements about individual children’s abilities and needs. At SS John and Monica, we use guidance from both the Development Matters and Birth to 5 Matters documents to support our continual assessments of children throughout the year. The SEN continuum is used to support pupils with additional needs. 


Early Years Foundation Stage Documents

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