Aims and Core Values

Our School Vision Statement

At SS John and Monica’s Catholic Primary School, we aim to enable every individual, regardless of ability, to achieve their full potential, prepare for future life, become lifelong learners, and become good citizens equipped for the challenges of the 21st century.
Our school mission statement is at the heart of everything we do and guides our pupils, staff and whole school community.

‘At SS John and Monica’s, we learn through the example of Jesus to love, respect, understand and value each other.’


The Values that underpin our vision

To Develop An Understanding Of Self

Each child is guided to:
Develop an appreciation and awareness of self
Have a positive attitude towards their learning
Achieve their fullest potential regardless of their ability and gender
Have high personal expectations of work and behaviour
Become independent learners and thinkers
Show an attitude to living a healthy and active life 

To Develop An Understanding Of Others
Each child is guided to:
Care for others and oneself
Establish positive relationships based on mutual respect and understanding.
Show mutual respect for spiritual and cultural diversity
Understand the importance of learning together and working together as a team
Develop an understanding of society and British Values
Valuable members of the school community
Able to appreciate and celebrate their own and others' success
Contribute positively to their community of the community

To Develop An Understanding Of The Environment
Each child is guided to:
Take an active role in caring for the learning environment of the school
Appreciate and respect the outdoor environment of the school

To Develop A Love Of Learning
Each child is guided to:
To develop confidence and self-esteem
Have good knowledge and understanding of the subjects
Have high expectations of themselves to achieve their full potential
Becoming independent and creative learners, taking ownership of learning
Being prepared to take risks and be innovative
Have a good understanding of what they need to do to improve their knowledge, skills and understanding
Developing their communication and numerical skills
Participate in and contribute to the learning that is provided in school to take their learning forward
Feel safe and secure in a caring and supportive environment where getting things wrong is acceptable