Curriculum Statement

At SS John and Monica Catholic Primary School, we are proud of our curriculum model, which ensures pupils develop progressive knowledge and skills, leading to high-quality learning outcomes. We firmly believe that all pupils have the right to access a high-quality, broad, and balanced curriculum. The fundamental goal of quality education is to ensure our pupils make a positive contribution within their community and beyond.

Curriculum Intent

As a Catholic School, SS John and Monica's strive to ensure that the children receive an enriching experience and a curriculum that reflects Christ's person. Our curriculum is closely designed around our school's mission and vision statements and has been developed to support the children's and our community's needs. It is intended to be creative, inspiring, and challenging.

Within our vision, pupils need experiences that broaden their knowledge, understanding, and skills across all National Curriculum subjects and beyond. We aim for our children to be equipped with the knowledge and skills to be successful, confident, life-long learners who reach their full potential.

 As a result of recent research, we are working towards a ‘Knowledge Rich Curriculum’ where children acquire a depth of knowledge in all curriculum areas. We have a cross-curricular topic approach, and we build an enriching and enlivening topic-focus day, immersing the children in various relevant themes. We provide a curriculum that goes beyond the National Curriculum's limits and is literacy-rich for our pupils. We, therefore, place a high focus on developing the children’s spoken skills, vocabulary and comprehension and use quality texts to do this. Reading is at the heart of our school and central to the children’s learning. The wider curriculum allows pupils to practise and consolidate skills learned in the core subjects of English and Maths.


As a Catholic school, the RE curriculum is central to the whole school curriculum and underpins all teaching. It is a core subject, and we follow the ‘Growing and Learning as the People of God’ scheme of work.

Our approach to the Foundation Subjects is cross-curricular, and we seek opportunities to make authentic links with the core subjects whenever possible. The Focus scheme is used, and a school overview ensures sequential learning and progression (See School Curriculum Overviews).

Subject/Topic Focus Days take place throughout the year. School needs or relevant upcoming themes determine these. A cross-curricular approach is adopted.

Reading and Writing are features of all Foundations Subjects. Developing communication and oral skills is a feature of all Foundation subjects. Extending vocabulary and ensuring subject-specific vocabulary is taught is a feature of planning and display.

Pupils are offered wider curriculum experiences, including experiences that promote physical, social, and health education. We also provide an Enabling Enterprise Skills Builder programme, which promotes the children's entrepreneurial skills and helps them understand the world of work.

All our pupils have an opportunity to access our Forest School Curriculum. This is provided by an experienced external Forest School Lead who annually ensures that every child benefits from a comprehensive Forest School programme.

Independent, wider curriculum research is set and encouraged throughout the year to develop pupils' research skills and consolidate curriculum topics learned in school.

National Curriculum—Through expert understanding of the statutory requirements, we have created a curriculum that builds high-level knowledge, skills, and understanding for ALL pupils. It is broad, balanced, and promotes depth of study.


Formative and summative assessments are used to teach key knowledge and skills. Teachers can assess pupil outcomes against key performance indicators. Outcomes in each subject are monitored and tracked, and planning is evaluated and adapted. End-of-term summative assessments are set to assess progress towards Age-Related Standards further.

A rigorous termly monitoring schedule is implemented to monitor the quality of teaching and learning across the school. This includes lesson observation, learning walks, planning, book scrutiny, and pupil consultations. All staff (with a subject responsibility) monitor the quality and provision of National Curriculum subjects. This ensures that the highest possible standards of teaching and learning are maintained.

If you wish to find out more about the curriculum at SS John and Monica's, speak to a member of Teaching Staff.

Please click on the following links to get further information about the National Curriculum and Early Years Curriculum our school is following:

Year Band Curriculum Overviews

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