General Parent Information
Illness or Accident at School
Parents will be contacted if a child needs to go home due to an illness or accident. For this reason, we must be kept informed of any changes in contact number/address, etc. Three emergency contact numbers are required.
Medical / Dental Visits
The school should be informed when a child will attend a medical appointment (an appointment card/letter is needed). Please report to the School Office before collecting your child.
NO CHILD may leave the school premises during the day unless an adult accompanies them.
Following 2014 Governmental guidance in the document "Supporting Pupils at School with Medical Conditions", SS John & Monica's will do everything it can to support accessibility for pupils who need medication during the school day. Medicine required to maintain life will always be allowed on-site, and a care plan will be devised. Non-emergency medications will be discussed on a case-by-case basis to suit the child's medical needs and ease of administration for the parent. Staff do not routinely give medicines in school, and parents who request this must complete paperwork giving consent.
Under no circumstances should you send your child to school with medication in their bags.
If your child has asthma and is prescribed an inhaler from your GP, you should ensure they have a spare one that can be kept in school. It should be clearly labelled with your child’s name and expiry date. Each class has a box with asthma and Epi-pen medication, which will be accessible to your child at all times. It is the parent’s responsibility to check expiration dates.
Money into School
All monies, such as dinner money, trips, school funds, etc, should be paid online via the following link:
Personal Items in School
Please remember: Please DO NOT allow children to bring toys, mobile phones (Y6 only with prior permission for those walking home alone), or games to school—these may become lost or broken, and the school can take no responsibility for their safety.
Early Collection
Parents should only ask their child/ren to collect their children early from school in exceptional circumstances. It will be the Head Teacher's discretion whether this will be authorised.