Catholic schools aim to be places where love of one’s neighbour is evident at all times.  Christ said to His disciples at the Last Supper “This is my commandment, that you love one another, as I have loved you.”  It is in wishing to uphold this principal that Catholic schools, and those who work there, commit themselves to care for their school community and uphold the Catholic doctrine and the ethos of the school.  Nevertheless, as in any organisation, there can be times when a complaint may arise and the aim of this Complaints Policy is to set out how those complaints will be dealt with and how the school will work with all parties involved towards achieving a satisfactory resolution.


The main purposes of this Complaints Policy is to:


  • resolve problems as swiftly as possible, ideally through an early informal stage.
  • give complainants a means to raise complaints and to have them addressed.
  • explain who a complaint should be directed to at the different stages and how they will be dealt with at each stage, including expected timescales.
  • encourage all parties to raise and/or respond to complaints as quickly as possible so that they may be dealt with swiftly and whilst the matter is still fresh in people’s minds.
  • stress that at all stages of this policy any discussions, consideration and hearings will be held with the intention to resolve the complaint rather than apportion blame.


Wherever possible, the school's aim is to resolve the issue informally through discussion with relevant staff.  The policy below outlines the procedure with regards to the complaints.

Complaints Policy

Updated: 17/03/2023 379 KB