Right Help, Right Time
The Birmingham Safeguarding Children Partnership has a statutory duty to co-ordinate how agencies work together to safeguard and promote the well being of children and young people in Birmingham and to ensure the effectiveness of the safeguarding arrangements in delivering effective support in Birmingham, Children and families are supported most effectively and efficiently when services and information sharing are planned and delivered in a co-ordinated way. The vision across Birmingham is to deliver the right service to the right child at the right time, supported by flexible and responsive services. This framework provides everyone with clear advice about what to do and how to respond if a child and their family need extra help. Underpinning it is our determination to put the child at the centre of what we do. Our aspiration is for Birmingham to be a city where all professionals across the system put the voice of the child at the centre of their planning, decision-making and service delivery. We need to have a collective understanding of the needs of the child and the family so we can work more effectively together to make a real difference.
Below is the link to Right Help, Right Time
Below is the link to the Birmingham Safeguarding Children's Board website.