School Fund and Fundraising                                                           

What is a School Fund, and why is it needed?

SS John and Monica’s is a Voluntary Aided (VA) Catholic School. Like all other VA schools, we must provide for 10% of the school’s upkeep and improvement. The government does not give this money. Any voluntary contributions to the school fund go towards specific items the school needs, e.g., additional books for our school library.

We ask for a voluntary contribution to the School Fund per family annually. Our School Building contribution goes towards additional school resources such as:

* Wet playtime equipment

* Outdoor playtime equipment

* Additional books for our school Library

Fundraising Committee

We are fortunate to have a thriving Fundraising Committee comprised of parents who play a crucial role in our school community. They regularly organise fundraising events such as coffee mornings, Summer Fetes, Christmas Fetes, and Whole-School Raffles, and their involvement is invaluable.

Throughout the year, we also hold simple half-term fundraisers in school. These are an opportunity to raise some much-needed funds and have fun, in addition to our usual Advent and Lenten fundraising for charity.