SS John and Monica is fully committed to inclusion for all pupils. As a consequence, the school has an inclusion policy, which incorporates our exclusion procedures.
At SS. John and Monica’s Catholic Primary School we offer a range of provision to support children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. We aim to ensure all pupils, regardless of their specific needs, reach their full potential and make the best possible progress in school.
This report gives an overview of the provision you can expect your child to receive in our school. If you have any questions about the content of this report please contact the schools named SENCo Mrs H.Nicholls. At SS. John and Monica’s Catholic Primary School we endeavour to ensure all pupils access the right resources, professional expertise and best teaching. We follow the model of plan, do, assess and review, to ensure all children identified with an SEN need are supported through the Graduated Approach of quality first teaching for all, targeted support and when needed specialist support
At SS John and Monica Catholic Primary School we are committed to ensuring that every child succeeds and reaches their full potential. We are dedicated to raising the achievement and attainment of pupils with EAL enabling them to do the best they can within a positive, supportive, secure and safe learning environment.
Through high quality teaching based on experiences and talk, we aim to meet the language needs of all our learners.